selective select

Posted by Manu on May 14, 2001 7:46 AM

I have a column with various data values(AA, 1234567, 12356-A1 etc). How can I select records with 7 digit numeric values only(e.g. 1234567)

All help is much appreciated

Posted by Kevin James on May 14, 2001 8:15 AM

Hello Manu,

Your question left me asking several questions about the format of your data and if you wanted a formula or VBA code.

If you are satisfied with using a column to display the data then....

1. Your data is in column A (insert whatever is true)
2. Your data uses row 1 for headings
3. The formula referencing column A, is in column B.

Formula for B2:

Copy that formula down in column B to end of your data.


Posted by Manu on May 14, 2001 8:25 AM

Thank You Kevin for your prompt reply. It worked.

Have a great day!!!!!!!!!!!!



Posted by Manu on May 14, 2001 8:27 AM

Further to your suggestion, how can I also ensure that the values(7 digits) are only numeric??



Posted by Kevin James on May 14, 2001 8:34 AM


To answer your question I need more info:
If an element contains a number, is the rest of the element ALWAYS numeric or is it mixed alpha-meric?


Posted by Manu on May 14, 2001 8:36 AM

Yes it could be alpha/numeric, spaces, characters like "-" etc..

Posted by Kevin James on May 14, 2001 8:38 AM

In that case, I don't understand your original question. Why would you want to know when a cell is all numeric?

Posted by Manu on May 14, 2001 8:45 AM

Because even though the value is all numeric, it could me more than 7 digits in length. The values cntained in this field are a terrible mix of alpha numeric, spaces and "-" like characters and I need to filter out Records with with only 7 digit numeric values.

Sorry for being long winded Kevin. I hope this explains. Thanx for your patience.

Posted by Kevin James on May 14, 2001 9:07 AM

Hi Manu,

Okay, I had a brain cramp over it but here it is:


You owe me coffee. (just kidding :>)


Posted by Manu on May 14, 2001 9:23 AM

I'll be pleased to add Donuts to that coffee. That was a brilliant and prompt effort. It worked as it should. I truly value the "net" presence of pro's such as yourself.

Thank You


Posted by Mark W. on May 14, 2001 12:21 PM

Yet, another approach...


Posted by Mark W. on May 14, 2001 12:40 PM

A word of warning though...

The text values with an "E" (i.e., "1008E10",
"304E125") which can be entered using a prefacing
apostrophe (') will be treated as a valid,
numeric string by both Kevin's and my formula.
The only way to trap this condition would be to
test for it using...


Posted by Kevin James on May 14, 2001 3:56 PM

Detail Oriented!

Hi Mark,

Boy, how I admire a person with so much wonderful details. That one would have completely slipped by me and if indeed such a number appeared, it would take me a while before realized it was being interpreted as an expotential number.

Can I trade brains with you?


Posted by Mark W. on May 14, 2001 9:15 PM

Re: Detail Oriented!

Maybe not detailed enough. I read back through the
thread and noticed that Manu also allowed special
characters such as "-". A text string with a leading
"+" or "-" would also adversely affect our formulations.
So to guard against this possibility a further
revision is warranted...

=IF(AND(LEN(A2)=7,AND(ISNA(MATCH({"-*","+*","*E*"},A2,0))),ISNUMBER(A2+0)),A2,"") Hi Mark, Boy, how I admire a person with so much wonderful details. That one would have completely slipped by me and if indeed such a number appeared, it would take me a while before realized it was being interpreted as an expotential number. Can I trade brains with you? Kevin

Posted by Mark W. on May 14, 2001 9:40 PM

Oops! 2 More...

=IF(AND(LEN(A2)=7,AND(ISNA(MATCH({"* *","-*","+*","*E*","*%"},A2,0))),ISNUMBER(A2+0)),A2,"")

Now, maybe... just maybe... this is the Gold standard!

Posted by Mark W. on May 15, 2001 4:38 AM

Of course, it may be more...

straightforward to just use...


...and be done with it!! =IF(AND(LEN(A2)=7,AND(ISNA(MATCH({"* *","-*","+*","*E*","*%"},A2,0))),ISNUMBER(A2+0)),A2,"") Now, maybe... just maybe... this is the Gold standard!