We run into this in matching database records all the time, the general solution is to build a new extended field to match with. The idea is to combine more than one field by concantenating. On a new datasheet or way off to the right of your current sheet build a new field with as many combined parts as it takes to get a unique identifier. Use this data to populate your pull-down list. Use a named range or lable a column and turn on the option "Use labels in formulas."
Rather than "Smith" or "William J." use =A1 & " " & B1 for "Smith William J." then if you need to display only "Smith" strip all the characters from the left up to the first " " [Blank Space]. Several people on this site have shown how to select striped data, but if you need help re-post. JSW
If your concatenated data is in cell AA1 down then, you can reference and return up to the first space with this formula:
=MID(AA1,1,SEARCH(" ",AA1,1)-1)
So if AA1 = "Smith William J."
the above formula will return: Smith
Hope this helps! JSW
How to Strip data with formula
If your concatenated data is in cell AA1 down then, you can reference and return up to the first space with this formula:
=MID(AA1,1,SEARCH(" ",AA1,1)-1)
So if AA1 = "Smith William J."
the above formula will return: Smith
Hope this helps! JSW
Note: If your data is in the format "Smith, William J."
Then you will need to modify the formula.
Change " " to ","
or you can change the -1 to -2 both will give the same answer. JSW
Note: If your data is in the format "Smith, William J."
Then you will need to modify the formula.
Change " " to ","
or you can change the -1 to -2 both will give the same answer. JSW