--------->>Try =ROUNDUP(A1/5000,0)*5000---------
You could try
assuming your number is in A1. I'm not real sure how to address negative numbers though?
How about,
if negatives are an issue. I never realized roundup always goes away from zero?
=CEILING(A1,5000*IF(A1<0,-1,1)) where A1 contains
your value. I want to round up a variable to the next 5000.
Wouldn't you expect -2000 rounded up to nearest 5000 to go to zero though?
My brain is hurting me more than usual today, so I could be way off. Does running up mean away from zero or a greater number? =CEILING(A1,5000*IF(A1<0,-1,1)) where A1 contains
I don't know if negative numbers are in his domain.
Perhaps he wants to round up the magnitude of the
value. I just thought I'd toss this into the mix.