Posted by Tim Francis-Wright on September 21, 2000 8:09 AM
I'll assume that A1 has the original formula.
If you need to round to the nearest whole
number, use in B1
Of course, if the formula in A1 is short, you
could modify A1 to have the IF(..., ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN) logic instead.
Posted by Stefanie on September 21, 2000 8:25 AM
That worked ...Thank you! Now I have another problem...the user wants it to round up to the nearest $5?? eg. 53 would round to 55, 62 would round to 60.
How could I do that?
Posted by JAF on September 21, 2000 9:02 AM
Assuming that the number you are rounding up has no decimal places (i.e. an integer), the following will work...
Posted by Tim Francis-Wright on September 21, 2000 10:50 AM
To round up to the nearest $5, use
To round 53 to 55 and 62 to 60, use
[You could also use the Analysis Tool Pak
function mround(a1,5) to round to the nearest $5. Unfortunately, MROUND doesn't have a succinct ROUNDUP analog.]
Posted by MJ on October 05, 2000 11:57 AM
I am trying to use the advice given, the problem I am running into is that there is already a Sum formula in the cell. Is there a way to total the sum and run a roundup function...after it has been totaled. What I have is a spreadsheet that is totaling dollar amounts from other cells on the page, then I would like each total to roundup to the nearest $5. Thanks in advance for any help.
Posted by Celia on October 05, 2000 5:40 PM
To round up to 5 :-
So to round up a sum formula to 5 :-
Posted by MJ on October 06, 2000 5:38 AM
Worked perfectly! Thanks.