Rank, Countif
Posted by Bruce on January 07, 2002 10:57 AM
I have a class up to 200 students and trying to break ties of class ranking based on academic scores:
A Column: Class ranking (Formula =RANK(G7,G$7:G$200)
G Column: Academic scores (Formula =+(C10*0.1)+(D10*0.4)+(E10*0.1)+(F10*0.4)
I end up with ties in ranking due to same test scores, so I want to go to the M Column which has overall scores for the tie breaker
M Column: Overall scores (Formula =AVERAGE(G7:L7) I tried adding this formula to M Column but changed the overall average, and did not affect the rankings in A Column as desired. =Average(G7:L7)+COUNTIF(G$7:G7,G7)-1
Thanks in advance for you input!