Question for Everyone

Posted by Dan on November 07, 2001 6:14 AM

What other good Excel or Access forums does everyone participate in? Could you share with the rest of the group?

One good place for Access questions is:

There is also a small area for Excel and Word questions also, but those forums aren't too busy.

Posted by Lisa on November 07, 2001 6:27 AM

I used to belong to a couple of very busy ListServe email lists for access. I will have to see if they are still in existance.

I have been out of this game for about 3 years. I was a good Access programmer from about 1994 to 1998. I am just getting back into it and I am surprised at both how much I have forgotten, how much I remember, and how much more there is to learn. :-)

Posted by Dank on November 07, 2001 6:40 AM

The ElementK ones are quite good:-

There are also some good newsgroups:-




Posted by Dan on November 07, 2001 8:51 AM

Thanks. Anyone else??