Posted by Sasa on February 05, 2002 5:26 AM

Dear all,
I would like to filer data in column. What should I put in criteria if I want to show only datas which starts with number (ex. 1234, 123jhkjh, 24jhkjh, 87687)
Thanks in advance for any halp.

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on February 05, 2002 5:49 AM

Specifying Criteria for Adv Filter

Lets say that A4:B7 houses the following data:


In A1 enter: CField [ A field label that must be different from those in A4:B4 ]

In A2 enter: =ISNUMBER(LEFT(A5)+0)

Activate A5.
Activate Data|Filter|Advanced Filter.
Specify as List range, e.g., : $A$4:$B$7
Specify as Criteria range: $A$1:$A$2
Check Copy to another location.
Specify a location for Copy to, e.g., $F$1
Click OK.


Posted by Sasa on February 05, 2002 7:04 AM

Re: Specifying Criteria for Adv Filter

Thanks for help, but can you please clarify this little bit more.
What I need is to filter data in column by criteria which is "data contains number in begining (ex. 1321dsfasdf, 2122, 1567ggg)

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on February 05, 2002 8:24 AM

Re: Specifying Criteria for Adv Filter

I don't know what the trouble is. I can only offer a copy of a workbook that shows how what I described works. If inerested in that, drop me a line.