
Posted by Andrew Arndt on May 19, 2001 4:00 PM

I posted a question on the 14th of this month and Mark gave me a great solution. I just have one problem with the formula.


The Data is in the fields ($B$2:$I$21), yet when I apply this data to the cell, it applies the data from one row higher.(I'm off 1 row)

Row A (data)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Posts as:
10: 0
11: 1
12: 2
13: 3
14: 4

Instead of:
10: 1
11: 2
12: 3
13: 4
14: 5

I have tried adding a line, rewriting the formula, to no avail.

Any ideas?

I can e-mail my 'very' small file, if the question can not be corrected here.


Posted by Aladin Akyurek on May 19, 2001 10:04 PM

The first one that I can spot is in your MATCH:


where $A$1 must be $A$2.

Otherwise, send your file.



Posted by IML on May 21, 2001 8:24 AM

I haven't tested this but at first glance, would changing the formula slightly to this work?

=SUM((INDEX($B$2:$I$21,MATCH($A$23,$A$2:$A$21,0),0)=A23)+0) or


It looks like you are matching different rows with the original formula, but that may be what you want to do