Pasting onto hidden rows

Posted by Chris Jones on June 19, 2001 5:45 AM

Hello there,

I have a spreadsheet where I create a filter to hide a bunch of rows. Then I paste rows from another worksheet onto the remaining unfiltered rows.

However, it pastes over top of the hidden rows as well so that it doesn't line up properly. As a result I have to copy and paste one row at a time.

Is there a way that this pasting can be done?

Any help here would be greatly appreciated

Posted by Kristen on July 01, 2001 8:04 PM

I have a really ugly way of doing it but it gets the job done!

Assuming filtered list is in cols A1-C3

1. Paste column of values into column 4.
2. In C1 type the formula =D1
3. Drag - don't copy - the formula down the list
4. Unfilter the columns
5. Copy column 3
6. Select column three and do a Paste Special/Values

Done! Ugly but quick and dirty!