Posted by Jo Stanley on November 22, 2001 7:19 AM

Cell 1 contains value 1 or is blank
Cell 2 contains invoice numbers beginning with 1 or are blank
Cell 3 is the invoice total
I need to have a new column which will only show invoice total if
cell 1 is blank
cell 2 has an invoice number beginning with 1

if cell 2 has an invoice number in it then with the formula i am using it shows a VALUE i need to have it so even if cell2 has an invoice number and cell1 is blank then the value is blank

Here is the formula I am using which is not working
=IF(L6>1,SUM(I6)," ")*AND(IF(D6<1,SUM(I6)," "))

Posted by Paul Akkermans on November 22, 2001 7:25 AM

Try this one

=IF(AND(L6>1,D6<1),SUM(I6)," ")

Posted by Joanne Stanley on November 22, 2001 7:43 AM

You are a star and if i were there now I would give you a big kiss. Thank you