OK, There has to be a way...

Posted by Deirdre on August 01, 2001 7:09 AM

I have created a spreadsheet for calculating daily totals. This spreadsheet will change daily and is not cumulative from the day before.

My problem is I cannot predict whether I will have 3 entries to calculate or 20. Therefore I have set up the worksheet with 20 rows of possible data to calculate.

Now, on the days I do not have data in say rows 10-20, I am returned the #DIV/0! error. Normally I can overlook this annoyance, BUT it interferes with my AVERAGE total at teh bottom of the worksheet. If the #DIV/0! errors are present in a particular colum, it will not calculate the average of that column.

My questions:

1) Is there a way to leave my formulas in the cells but have the blank rows return a blank cell (not a #DIV/0! error)

2) If there isn't a way to avoid the #DIV/0! , how do I set it up to calculate an average for a colums that contains a #DIV/0! ?

Reminder: The #DIV/0! error I am receiving is not due to a #/0 error, but a simple blank cell.

Thanks much for your time.

Posted by Mark W. on August 01, 2001 7:15 AM

I'm confused!!! What is the formula that's
causing #DIV/0! and are you using AVERAGE() or
are you averaging by using SUM()/COUNT()?

Posted by Dax on August 01, 2001 7:20 AM

Yes, there is...



Posted by Deirdre on August 01, 2001 7:29 AM

In rows I do not have data in on a particular day, it will return the #DIV/0! error because it is empty. The #DIV/0! error is usually a result of say L10=J10/K10, in which J10 and K10 are empty for this particular day.

Now at bottom of spreadsheet I want to average Column L. However, because L10-L20 have #DIV/0! errors due to empty cells, it will not average the data in L1-L9. I was using the AVERAGE () function.

Hope this helps.


Posted by Mark W. on August 01, 2001 7:35 AM

Okay, since AVERAGE() ignores text then instead of
=J10/K10 use =IF(K10,J10/K10,"").

Posted by Deirdre on August 01, 2001 9:07 AM

Thank you all for the suggestions, but I must still be doing something wrong.

I input the formula as suggested above. However when I do so, it prompts a "Circular" reference dialog box. Further, when I input values for the cells (I6 and C6), it returns 0.

The actual data from my spreadsheet:

The original formula was =I6/C6, which of course returned a #DIV/0! error when I had no data in it to calculate. I simply want it to return a blank cell, and not show the #DIV/0 error so when I average I1:I20, I will get a value even if I9:I20 may be blank on certain days.

:: raspberries at Excel ::

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 01, 2001 10:56 AM

Change this to: =IF(C6,I6/C6,"")