number format

Posted by jonathan on June 02, 2001 2:37 PM

I would like to be able to display numbers such as 1249.75 as 49, and 2573.80 as 73. In other words, I want the first two digits and everything after the decimal, ignored.

I don't see this option in the number format section.

Posted by Kevin James on June 02, 2001 3:04 PM

You are looking at CTRL-1, correct?

Choose, number, no decimals.

Posted by jonathan on June 02, 2001 3:34 PM

Yes, CTRL-1; however, selecting no decimals rounds the number up if the decimal is .5 or greater. It also doesn't ignore the first two digits of the number, which I also require.

I've been unsuccessful with any of the formats in the CTRL-1 menu.

I am trying to convert stock market data from a online site into a two digit format as described in my posting.

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on June 02, 2001 4:01 PM

Why is that required?

Maybe you can use a formula to convert those entries like the one below?



Posted by Kevin James on June 02, 2001 4:04 PM



Cell A1 contains 34.5436
Cell B2 formula: =int(a1)

Posted by jonathan on June 02, 2001 6:52 PM

Thanks, Kevin and Aladin...

Both formulas help. Aladin's is great until there's a decimal followed by a zero. Kevin's keeps the higher decimal from rounding up. Perhaps if I tinker with both I'll come up with something that works across the board.

Thanks again,


Posted by Aladin Akyureek on June 02, 2001 11:09 PM
