Kevin, I created a formula that might help you out. Have a look at
and see the second question.
Does this help you out?
BarrieBarrie Davidson
:After looking at the question 2 on your website, I have come to the following conclusion...There is a problem there somewhere.
Q I have two dates in A1, B1 (01/01/1998 and 01/12/1998). I want C1 to contain 0 days 11 months 00 years. Basically A1 is start date and B1 would be todays date and C1 would be the length of time you have been at the company?
The dates you have here shows 11 "DAYS" elapsed, but this question shows 11 months elapsed. I did try the formula on my workbook, and the calculations are incorrect, it is showing a 1 year and 1 month period of time elapsed as 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days, but I will work with what you have compiled and see if I can formulate it to work for what I am doing correctly. Thanks very much for the assist though, and if you do find why it is calculating incorrectly, let me know. : =INT((BO4-BN4)/52)&" months"&" + "&(((BO4-BN4)/52)-INT((BO4-BN4)/52))*52&" days have elapsed - THANK YOU" :