Need help with formula please
Posted by Charlotte Pulkowski on January 07, 2002 2:31 AM
I need help with the following formula: =IF(O13=0," ",IF(P13="",IF(O13=1,100,IF(O13=2,200,IF(O13=3,300,IF(O13=4,400,IF(O13>=5,500," ")))))*1,IF(O13=1,100,IF(O13=2,200,IF(O13=3,300,IF(O13=4,400,IF(O13>=5,500," "))))))) I need this to also calculate the following: if P13="X" multiply by 0.7 and if P13="XX" multiply by 0.5 and if P13= "XXX" multiply by 0.0 all in the same formula. I do not seem to be able to make it work on all four scenarios.