What is the formula you are using?
if A1 contains healthcare, how can I get the individual deals listed down the page??
I think your best bet is to Filter the data using Advanced Filter and using a criteria range. This can be done by inserting buttons, i.e., "Filter" and "Unfilter" and assigning macros that filter the data based on the criteria.
Your table range is A3:B8
A3:Type B3:Deal
A4:Healthcare B4:1
A5:Healthcare B5:2
A6:Technology B6:1
A7:Finance B7:1
A8:Healthcare B8:3
Above that is your criteria range
I have created two buttons next this data, one called "Filter" and one called "Unfilter" I have assigned a macro to "Filter" that filters the data based on the criteria.
Sub Filter_Type()
Range("A3:B8").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range _
("A1:A2"), Unique:=False
End Sub
Then I created another filter that will reset the data back to normal:
Sub Unfilter_type()
End Sub
This may be a bit confusing but if you leave me your email address I can send you my example.
Sean, it made perfect sense. thanx for your help.