Multiple Condition Sumif?
Posted by RoB on August 15, 2001 11:09 AM
Is it possible to do a sumif using multiple criteria? here is the formula I'd like to use, but it doesn't work:
I'd like it to SUMIF if any condition in "Lender_Sort" matches any of the values in A18:A26. Will an array do this? if so, how?
Posted by Mark W. on August 15, 2001 11:17 AM
Use the following array formula construct...
Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 15, 2001 11:23 AM
(1) Following non-array formula
=SUMPRODUCT((ISNUMBER(MATCH(Comm2001.xls!Lender_Sort,A18:A26,0))*(Comm2001.xls!Fees_Sort))) =SUMPRODUCT((Comm2001.xls!Lender_Sort=A18:A26,Comm2001.xls!Fees_Sort)
(2) its array brother:
{=SUM((ISNUMBER(MATCH(Comm2001.xls!Lender_Sort,A18:A26,0))*(Comm2001.xls!Fees_Sort))) =SUMPRODUCT((Comm2001.xls!Lender_Sort=A18:A26,Comm2001.xls!Fees_Sort)}
Posted by RoB on August 15, 2001 11:35 AM
Could you check this again? I tried using this code, but it didn't work. It returned a #VALUE. The cell is formatted to display currecny (which is what this is counting)
Posted by Mark W. on August 15, 2001 11:42 AM
Mine works! : )
Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 15, 2001 12:00 PM
Mine (will work) too ;)
My initial instinct about what is asked for was precisely like Mark's,
that is:
which must be array-entered. Or, equivalently, which is not array-formula,
However, I adopted a different interpretation of your query, for which I proposed:
and its array-entered brother:
Note. I noticed that both were pretty messed up in my initial post.
You have 2 interpretations, each with 2 alternative formulas (SUMPRODUCT Vs Array Formula).
Posted by RoB on August 15, 2001 12:18 PM
Ok, another question
Its still not working for me. What else could I be doing wrong?
Thanks for the input
Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 15, 2001 1:04 PM
Re: Ok, another question
Care to post 5 rows from each range that you have?
Posted by RoB on August 15, 2001 1:04 PM
Re: Ok, another question
I made a simple simulation page, and it doesnt work either. See if you can find whats wrong if you dont mind.
Thanks again
Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 15, 2001 1:18 PM
Re: Ok, another question
This is your data set in A1:B18 (including the labels "Lender" and "Fee":
{"Lender","Fee";"bank one",1;"bank one",1;"bank one",1;"bank one",1;"bank one",1;"bank one",1;"chevy",1;"chevy",1;"key bank",1;"key bank",1;"key bank",1;"bank one",1;"key bank",1;"key bank",1;"bank one",1;"chevy",1;"chevy",1}
In G1:G2, you have:
{"chevy";"key bank"} [ note that I corrected a typo here ]
I selected all of the cells of A2:A18 and named it via the Name Box: LENDERS. I named B2:B12 FEES.
In H1 enter: =SUMPRODUCT((LENDERS=G1)*FEES) [ copy down to H2 ]
You used the label Lender instead of a name that you should have given to the range A2:A12 as I've done above or just use A2:A12.
Just for comparison:
In I1 array-enter: =SUM((LENDERS=G1)*FEES) [ remember hitting control+shift+enter to enter this formula, then copy down ]
Both should give you the same result.
Posted by RoB on August 15, 2001 1:48 PM
ok, little more help please, sorry heh
I got that part to work, a single array or sumif isnt a problem. But when I try the formula:
it doesnt give an answer.
I was trying to keep this as an example to prevent myself from explaining what I'm trying to accomplish, but I think Im going to have to.
I'm trying to do a double condition sumif. Let me modify the file and look at it again if you dont mind :)
Thanks for all the help aladin.
Posted by RoB on August 15, 2001 1:56 PM
more help please, part deux....correct link :)
I got that part to work, a single array or sumif isnt a problem. But when I try the formula:
it doesnt give an answer.
I was trying to keep this as an example to prevent myself from explaining what I'm trying to accomplish, but I think Im going to have to.
I'm trying to do a double condition sumif. Let me modify the file and look at it again if you dont mind :)
Thanks for all the help aladin.
Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 15, 2001 2:25 PM
RoB: Hyperlink is not working!
Posted by RoB on August 15, 2001 2:35 PM
See below Aladin
Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 15, 2001 2:53 PM
immensely to see/to discover that my MATCH interpretation was/is right in the ballpark:
Posted by RoB on August 15, 2001 3:22 PM
YES!!! ONE more thing Aladin
THANKS so much Aladin! it works perfectly. One more thing though. What would be the command if I wanted to COUNT, and not SUM with the exact same conditions? I don't think there is a COUNTPRODUCT is there? Thanks again
Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 15, 2001 3:31 PM
What about...
No, there isn't. I reckon it's not needed. ;)
Posted by RoB on August 15, 2001 4:31 PM
Great!!! thanks SOooo much