If I understood you correctly and you don't mind using a formula, try in F1:
=IF(ISTEXT(G1),IF(LEN(G1)>=1, G1,"")
Copy down this as far as needed.
Are you saying that you only have three criteria? If so, I have an easy solution for you.
Actually, I probably have around 5 but 3 would definately be a start!!
Explanation here, but sample available
On sheet1, lets say column A is your raw data and column B will contain the filtered list based on your criteria list.
On sheet2, column A is your criteria list
Given that Row1 is usually a heading row and row 2 is your first data row, here is the formula for Sheet1, cell B2 which can be copied down for the duration of your raw data.
What will result is a list of matching data. Where the data doesn't match, you'll get "#N/A". You can then use Copy/PasteSpecial Values to change column B in text only.