Lookup with wildcards
Posted by Ian Mac on October 30, 2001 2:09 AM
I'm having a nightmare, I have a list of logins for staff that are Last Name / First and SPH;
JanesP 0.96
HarveyM 0.45
HeppellL 1.01
llewellynJ 0.26
LakeyB 0.46
HillaryS1 0.88
BuchanE 1.12
BurnsJ 0.23
And staff Names on another sheet followed by monitored score:
Paul Janes 93%
Mark Harvey 74%
Lyn Heppell 63%
John Llewellyn 89%
Brian Lakey 45%
Sarah Hillary 38%
Ed Buchan 96%
Julie Burns 100%
{"Paul Janes",0.93;"Mark Harvey",0.74;"Lyn Heppell",0.63;"John Llewellyn",0.89;"Brian Lakey",0.45;"Sarah Hillary",0.38;"Ed Buchan",0.96;"Julie Burns",1}
in Column C: of the second sheet I need to do is look at the list on sheet1 and pull over the score. as you see some names will have a number after this because there are more than 1 person with that login (not bothered too much about having those scores as I'm trying to acheive a good cross section of result and 1 or 2 won't matter). I could use B#&Left(A#,1) BUT in a number of cases if the person as a middle name some all or none of the letters may be used, it will always be smithmarj or smithmj (if the middle name was mark say). The middle name never appears on the second sheet.
Hope thats not too confusing.
Any help would be great,
Ian Mac