Could you simply get away with counting the number of time each company name occurs in A? For example,
If this would work, you could list your unique company names and have a list of the number of outstanding projects by tying this formula to the list?
Good luck.
After I re-read this, you are just after the number of companys with more than one, try this in your project column (this assumes they are only numbers)
The data looks like
companyA 1
companyA 2
companyB 1
companyC 1
companyC 2
companyC 3
On the surface,
=COUNTIF(b1:b100,2) should work. It won't work if say companyC completes project 2 before project 3 and project 2 is removed from the sheet?
good luck, I'm out of here for the week.
Lets assume your sample data to be in A1:B7.
In C1 enter: Project 1 [ just a label ]
In D1 enter: 1
In E1 enter: 2
In C2 enter: Project 2
In D2 enter: 2
In E2 enter: 3
In C3 enter: N(Companies)
Enter all of the distinct company names from C4 on.
In D4 array-enter: =SUM(SUM(($A$1:$A$20=$C4)*($B$1:$B$20=D$1)))*(SUM(($A$1:$A$20=$C4)*($B$1:$B$20=D$2))) [ To array-enter this formula, you need to hit CONTROL+SHIFT+ENTER at the same time, not just ENTER. ]
Copy the above array-formula first to E2 then down up to the row of the last company in C.
In D3 enter: =SUM(D4:D6) [ Copy this to E3 ]
D3 now contains the number of companies that have Project #1 as well as Project #2,
E3 shows the number of companies that have Project #1 as well as Project #3.
The range where all these computations occur looks as:
{"Project 1",1,1;"Project 2",2,3;"N(Companies)",2,2;"companyA",1,0;"companyB",0,1;"companyC",1,1}