ListBox w/ Formula?

Posted by Jim on July 15, 2001 2:07 PM

Is it possible for a listbox to accept a formula and
show the value of the formula. In other words i would like
to embed a listbox in a cell and only show the result
of =Sum(G6*B6+G7*B7+G8*B8)-(+B34+B35+B36)
Any ideas would be helpfull
Thanks, Jim

Posted by Ian on July 16, 2001 2:27 AM


not sure if you can have a formula, but you could enter the cell reference in the ListFillRange part of the Properties box.

Also I've tidied your formula up bit, you'll have to use ctrl+shift+enter instead of enter as it's an array formula.


Hope this helps


Posted by Aladin Akyurek on July 16, 2001 9:07 AM


There is no need for an array formula in this case.


will also do.
