
Posted by Del Booth on September 12, 2001 6:27 AM

I have an excel graph with two plots on.
When one crosses over the other I want to find the x and y values for this.
I already have the x values I need to calculate the corresponding y value
for this point. Therefore I am needing to interpolate to the corresponding point.
Can excel do this for me or is there a simple macro.


Posted by Mark W. on September 12, 2001 12:44 PM


Suppose that you graphed the data...


...which is entered into cells A1:C3. Your
chart's series functions would be...


The equations for these lines are...


These equations can be derived from the following
functions entered into E1:F1 and E2:F2 respectively...


Note: LINEST should be entered as an array function
using the Shift+Control+Enter key combination. The
outermost braces, {}, are not entered by you...they're
supplied by Excel in recognition of a properly entered
array formula.

The formulas for the values of X and Y respectively
at the intersection of these lines are...


Posted by Mark W. on September 12, 2001 1:59 PM

Re: Suppose...

I should have stated that the formula for X,
=(F1-F2)/(E2-E1), was entered into cel F3, and
is referenced by the formula for Y, =E2*F3+F2.