Index and match from two files
Posted by Teri Fields on August 31, 2001 12:42 PM
I'd like to index a column in a file and have it find a match and transfer data from one file to the other.
(ex) File 1 - A1: Area, A2: 002, A3: 004, A4: 005, col B - B1: Area Desc., B2: #1 Scrubber, B3: Bridle Unit, B4: Conveyor. File 2 - A1: Area, A2: 004, A3: 002, A4:005, col B on file 2 is blank and titled Description. I'd like the formula or macro to index and match so that the data in File 1 col B is added to file 2 col. B. by matching the info in columns A of both files.