I seem to have been curtailed - the message should end -
Logically, I would have thought that AND(">A1","<A2")as the argument within the IFSUM statement would work, but this only produces zero (without the "", it produces an error)
Any ideas??
Surround your greater and less than signs with quotes and use an amperstand. For example
" > "&A1
(no need for the spaces around the signage).
luck good
Thanks for the speedy response - sadly it still produces zeros...
luck good - not unfortunately!
Sorry, I misunderstood. If your dates are in A1:A10, and what you want to sum is in B1:B1,
=SUMPRODUCT((A1:A10 > =D1)*(A1:A10 < =D2)*(B1:B10))
This assumes your start date in D1 and end date in D2 and includes those dates. Alternatively,
you could use
=SUM(B1:B10)-SUMIF(A1:A10," < "&D1,B1:B10)-SUMIF(A1:A10," > "&D2,B1:B10)
given the same assumptions
Michael --
Ian (IML) didn't see your post in integral (because it was scrambled), otherwise you'd get a reply like one that follows.
SUMIF is ordinarily used when summing on the basis of a single condition/criterion. With multiple conditions, you need array or SUMPRODUCT formulas. Since you have a between (dates) condition, you can still use SUMIF:
Lets say that you have the dates in E from E2 on, numbers in F from F2 on, and date conditions in A1 and A2 (A2 > A1).
The expensive SUMPRODUCT equivalent would be:
=SUMPRODUCT((E2:E100>A1)*(E2:E100 < A2),(F2:F100))
I'd suggest using the SUMIF version.
i'd go w/ aladin's sumif as well (nt)