> ...I need...a...statement that will leave the
> cell...blank...
Not possible. All formulas return a value --
even if it's the null string ("") that you're
currently using. What "other problems" are
you experiencing?
My problem is that another formula used on the spreadsheet references this formula. The "" in the IF statement causes my subsequent formula to have an error (#value). Hope this clarifies my issue. thanks
Scott --
The formulas that look at the result of =IF(B2>0,B2+C1,"") can test this cell with ISBLANK, e.g.,
What's your subsequent formula? (nt)
Here is my scenario. I have a spreadsheet that I set up for users to input monthly totals in column A. I accumulate the monthly amounts in a running total column (column B). Column B contains the formula =IF(B2>0,B2+C1,""). My chart uses the data range in column B to generate a line graph. I want the chart to include an entire years worth of data points. The "" created in rows that do not have a monthly amount causes my graph line to drop to zero. Also, I subsequently take the results of the formula in column B and multipy it by another value in the spreadsheet which gives me a #value error. Even using the ISBLANK command I get the error message. I am sorry for such a long post. I really do appreciate you guys helping me figure this think out!!!
> Here is my scenario. I have a spreadsheet that I set up for users to input monthly totals in column A. I accumulate the monthly amounts in a running total column (column B). Column B contains the formula =IF(B2>0,B2+C1,"").
Now I'm confused by this formula, because I can't fit it to to the situation you describe: It doesn't refer to cells in A and it refers to C1!
> My chart uses the data range in column B to generate a line graph. I want the chart to include an entire years worth of data points. The "" created in rows that do not have a monthly amount causes my graph line to drop to zero. Also, I subsequently take the results of the formula in column B and multipy it by another value in the spreadsheet which gives me a #value error. Even using the ISBLANK command I get the error message. I am sorry for such a long post. I really do appreciate you guys helping me figure this think out!!!
Let's try the following to get a clear picture:
In A1 enter: 1
In A2 enter: =IF(A1,10,"")
In A3 enter: =IF(A1,10,#N/A)
Subsequent formulas:
In B2 enter: =IF(ISNUMBER(A2),A2*2,"")
In B3 enter: =IF(ISNUMBER(A3),A2*2,"")
See what happens if you delete the value in A1.
Note. I expressly selected #N/A as a return value in A3, because this value seems better suited than "" if you need to make charts.
Thanks for your help. I appologize for referencing the wrong column in my last post and confusing you. Your explantion answered my problem. Using the #N/A is the correct command to use for the false statement. Once again thank you very much!!!