Posted by Drew Lien on October 29, 2001 12:46 PM
I'm making a General Ledger that is an on-screen
check book. The entries are:
10 X Check# Date Acct# Description Debit Deposit Balance Cleared
In I10, I put the formula =IF(A10="","OPEN", F10).
What this does is display "OPEN" when a check is
written. This means the check has not yet been cashed.
Then, when you call the bank's voice-mail, and the
check is cashed, you enter "X" in column A10. This
results in the "Cleared" column of cell I10 showing
the amount of the check that cleared.
MY QUESTION IS...I also want the "Cleared" column
to reference deposits. Not the dollar amount, but
the word "POSTED".
1) Currently, when you enter a deposit, the "I" column
displays "0.00". This is good.
2) So, if row 10 is a deposit, and you then enter an
"X" in A10, I want the "Cleared" column I10 to
display the word "POSTED".
This, in addition to my original formula for checks.
Any and all help will be most appreciated! I thank
you kindly,