you could find the last pay date with the MAX function.
this would then return the most recent date.
You could then use the MATCH and OFFSET functions to return the relevent due date.
use MATCH to find the position of the MAX date in the row and then use OFFSET to retrieve the dates either side to see if it is overdue or not. May need to test against the =TODAY() function to see if overdue.
Could you post on eg of the table please (NT)
If my understanding is correct, the following would do the job.
Lets assume the sample of data in A2:H2 below:
where the integers are dates and blanks (that is, "") meaning "unpaid".
Keep the last cell in mind. In the above sample, it's $H2.
In I2 array-enter: =IF(COUNTBLANK(A2:H2)>0,INDIRECT(ADDRESS(ROW(),MIN(IF(ISBLANK(A2:H2)*(COLUMN(A2:H2))>0,COLUMN(A2:H2)))-1)),"")
This will give you the oldest date, if any, on which the payment is overdue.
In J2 enter: =IF(COUNTBLANK($A$2:$H$2)>=COUNT($I$2:I2),ADDRESS(ROW(),MATCH(I2,$A$2:$H$2,0)+2,8),"")
This will give you the second oldest date, if any, on which the payment is overdue.
And, this is important, select J2:K2 then copy across as far as needed.
Select I2 up to the last cell to which you applied copying at the previous step and copy down as far as needed.
All this was rather complex to figure out. If there is something unexpected, let me know.
This solution works perfect. Initially I forgot to press crtl+shift+enter so i was returned #value, but after reviewing the formula which looked normal it worked. Thank you for your help and the email really! help.