Please use VLOOKUP for that.
Make a 2-column table Customer X Hyperlink
Feed the value selected from the dropdown box to a VLOOKUP formula:
HYPERLINKS is a name that you can give to the 2-column table, suggested above. Watch out for one thing though: Customer names must be uniques. If that is not the case, use a system of uniques ids for customers.
I'm unclear what I put in the Hyperlink column. I don't actually put the clickable hyperlink there, do I? I tried that and got #N/A in the cell where I have the Lookup formula. Also, what does the "0" at the end of the lookup formula denote?
Thanks for your help,
I almost regretted my proposal. I tried out the following:
Blackboard [UITW Woonlasten 00-01.xls]Blackboard!A1
This is just an example that consists of a 1 x 2 table. The value in column 2 is exactly a link reference (not a true hyperlink -- rather a spec for a hyperlink). You type this yourself, which consists of the filename, sheetname, and the cell where you want to be.
When you select Blackboard from a dropdown box located say in A1, enter in say C1 the formula:
where HYPERLINKS is the name of the lookup table.
The '0' as the 4th arg of VLOOKUP means just FALSE. This value forces VLOOKUP to do an exact match.
This formula creates immediately a clickable hyperlink.
Wow, I've learned something practical from this.
Note. I cooked up this in Excel 2000.
Thanks, Aladin! It works perfectly! Great solution!! (NT)
I almost regretted my proposal. I tried out the following: Blackboard [UITW Woonlasten 00-01.xls]Blackboard!A1 This is just an example that consists of a 1 x 2 table. The value in column 2 is exactly a link reference (not a true hyperlink -- rather a spec for a hyperlink). You type this yourself, which consists of the filename, sheetname, and the cell where you want to be. When you select Blackboard from a dropdown box located say in A1, enter in say C1 the formula: =HYPERLINK(VLOOKUP(A1,HYPERLINKS,2,0)) where HYPERLINKS is the name of the lookup table. The '0' as the 4th arg of VLOOKUP means just FALSE. This value forces VLOOKUP to do an exact match. This formula creates immediately a clickable hyperlink. Wow, I've learned something practical from this. Note. I cooked up this in Excel 2000.