How to do a ranking
Posted by Kiko on January 09, 2002 6:16 AM
I have five people playing a game (players A, B, C, D and E). At the end of the game, I input in a spreadsheet the amounts each player has earned during the game. So, let's say:
A= 60.00
B= 20.00
C= -10.00
D= -40.00
E= -30.00
What I want to do is to attribute points to the players the following points, as in a ranking, according to the money earned by each one (the first player being the one that earned more money, the last one being the one who earned less money):
First (more money) = 10 points
Second = 6 points
Third = 4 points
Fourth = 3 points
Fifth (less money) = 2 points
How do I do that?
Oh, there is a catch: if, let's say, there is a draw between two players, than they would receive the same points attributed to the position in the ranking (so, if there is a draw in the second position, both player would receive 6 points); HOWEVER, than there would be no third position, the ranking would skip the third position and the next player in the ranking would be ranked in the fourth position. The same if there is a draw among more than two players: if, let's say, three players are tied in the first position, than the next player would be ranked in the fourth position.
Any ideas?