Try this forula in the cell you want the result in:
In this formula a1:a5 would contain the numbers you gave in the example
I believe what Kertappa is asking is something diffrent. Something that cannot be done, as far as I know, with ordinary formulas.
I think that you can only do this using VBA. You can use this custom function which will count the individual items (numbers or cell references) in between the four operator +,-,* and /. To use this code open the VB Editor (Alt+F11) and click Insert, Module. Then paste this code: -
Public Function CountItems(rnge As Range) As Long
Dim sFormulaString As String, x As Long, sOper As String
If rnge.Rows.Count > 1 Or rnge.Columns.Count > 1 Then Exit Function
sFormulaString = rnge.Formula
If sFormulaString = "" Then Exit Function
CountItems = 1
For x = 2 To Len(sFormulaString)
sOper = Mid$(sFormulaString, x, 1)
Select Case sOper
Case "+", "*", "-", "/"
CountItems = CountItems + 1
End Select
Next x
End Function
Now if you go into an empty cell and type =CountItem(A5) or whatever cell you want to count the items in you should get what you want.
And everybody else who took the time to reply....
You just made my day!