One way to do it is to use Data Validation.
Select the column where you don't want to enter real numbers. Lets A be that column. Click on A, the column heading. Activate the option Data|Validation, choose Custom for Allow on the Settings tab, and type the following formula:
Now i can't get the cells to accept any numbers. It comes up with the error message "The value you entered is not valid. A user has restricted values that can be entered into this cell."
Whole numbers like 24, 10, etc should be accepted; the message you quote should appear only when you attempt to enter a real number like 10.1, 3.5, etc. If this is not the case, you must have made a mistake in the data validation procedure. Try again.
Sorry, my mistake. The formula should be:
Is it possible to do this over multiple cells? I think that is why I got the message before.
No, multiple cells is not the reason. See my other post.
Hey Thanks
IT WORKED this time
Thanks again!!!
Beast Boy