As long as Wall is the last word in the cell, you could use this:
=IF(RIGHT(D5,4)="WALL","1st Argument","2nd Arugument")
Change 1st and 2nd argument as needed.
One option you may consider
In case the word "wall" is the first, last, or middle word in a cell within your range of interest, this formula may provide you some flexibility. Let's say your range of interest is A1:A10, and you type your search word (in your example, "wall") into B1. Then in C1 you can enter
Note, if the word "drywall" or "wallet" or "swallow" is in A1:A10, then this formula will also return a Yes -- which you might want in case there are less than perfect spellers entering data on your sheet. Just an option to consider.
Tom Urtis
Andrew --
Lets A1:A3 house the following sample
{"exterior wall";
"interor wall";
and "wall" is the string of interest:
If you accept "wall" in "wallaart" as a positive match or a hit, then use:
If not, use:
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({" wall ","@wall "," wall@"},"@"&A1&"@"))+0),5,7)
Replace 5 and 7 with things appropriate to your situation.
If "Wall" may be anywhere in the cell try this:
=IF(COUNTIF(D1:D1000,"*"&"Wall"&"*"),"1st Value","2nd value")
I am writing a macro and it has to check if a particular column has a entry like
The problem is it can be anything from plain 1,2,3.. to,, etc
Is there a way to "find" if a column has a subset of a these mentioned?
Any help is greatly appreciated.