Don't change the reference...write a "smarter" formula
Greg, for demonstration purposes let's say that
Sheet2!A1:C3 contains...
...and Sheet1!A1 contains the formula,
=SUM(OFFSET(Sheet2!A1:C1,B1-1,)). Now, you can
enter a row number in cell Sheet1!B1 and this
formula will sum those values on Sheet2. In
effect, you can advance a row in a data set just
by changing 1 value in cell Sheet1!B1. Try it!
...if you just want to replicate the values...
thanks Mark. But how would I...
How would I automate this with a macro so that it
will increment the counter by one each time I run
the macro?
Re: thanks Mark. But how would I...
Just have you macro increment the value in B1.
With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1")
.Value = .Value + 1
End With
Re: thanks Mark. But how would I...
I'm still pretty new at this. I can't get my macro
to increment it by one. Please Help!
With Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1")
.Value = .Value + 1
End With