HELP !!!!
Posted by Ben George on February 04, 2002 3:52 AM
Right, this may take a while to explain so bear with me. for my AS lavel I.T course work i have to design a system in excel, for this i decided to do a leauge table for a local bowling ally. so far i have had no problems but now im stuck, the problem is that i need to find a value that is on another sheet but it has to be next to a one of the team names, i was thinking of making a macro that looked through the list of teams and there position in the leauge and when it found the name it copyied the value that was next to the name in to the relative cell, then the macro would find the next team on another list go back to the first list find the next team and then enter the relative value in the relative cell, a kind of a loop in a loop. if any one can understand my bable then please help me or if you think you know what im talking about but need some more explaining i can send you my work so far and see if you can help from there
Loads of hope