Formula Question

Posted by Craig on June 24, 2001 12:48 PM

I am a novice excel user and I need a formula for a budget model. Based upon my forecasted figures in comparasion to the actual figures I want excel to mark every column with an asterisk in which there is a 5% deviation between the forecasted and the actual. For example:
Forecast Actual 5% Exception
E10 G10 I10
1250000 1452375 *

Does anyone have a formula that can perform this calculation and function for me.

Posted by steve w on June 24, 2001 1:03 PM

hi craig try this
place this formula in I10
hope this helps
you might also want to try conditional formating
steve w

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on June 24, 2001 1:12 PM

If negative differences must be noticed too, you can use


However, using conditional formatting could be more attractive.
