Formula question

Posted by Susan on December 18, 2001 8:46 AM

I need to write a formula that will indicate when the
value in a certain field is divisible by 5. So far,
I've got: =IF(B1???, "select"," "), now I just need to
figure out the formula to replace ???. Any ideas?

Posted by Mark W. on December 18, 2001 8:53 AM

=IF(MOD(B1,5),"No","Yes") (nt)

Posted by tracy28 on December 18, 2001 8:55 AM


The MOD function result is the remainder when dividing the first value by the second. If the value is divisible by 5 then the MOD value will be 0. Hope this helps!

Posted by Susan on December 18, 2001 9:00 AM

Wow! That was fast!

Works like a charm! Thanks so much!