Formula problem

Posted by Bill Cortner on July 08, 2001 12:33 PM

I need expert help in writing a formula to do the following.

Col A represents states. i.e., AL, AK, ---- WY
Data in Col A may run from A1:A5000

Col B represents sales in that state.

I need a formula that will total all sales in a particular state.

Example: If A1:A5000 = AL. Total all sales shown in B1:B5000 for AL.

Bill Cortner

Posted by Ivan F Moala on July 08, 2001 12:49 PM

In B1 place;

where "=AL" is your State to sum.

If unsure then lookup SUMIF in help.



Posted by Joe on July 08, 2001 1:37 PM

A Pivot table will do what you want.
Put a header above each column in your list, highligt
the columns of data, including the headers, go to the
DATA pull down menu, chose PIVOT TABLE REPORT.

Click and drag the header for the state to the ROW section
of the pivot table and the header for the amount to the DATA
section of the pivot table gtaphic. You can double-click on
the label that appears on the DATA section to change it from
"count of ____", "to sum of ____ " etc.

Click finish and you have your answer.