It seems you want to average a bunch of entries.
will average the numbers in A1:A100.
P.S. COUNT counts numeric entries, including dates.
You can use this as far down as needed, but the row numbers used must be only for those rows that have data. The formula can be as far down as you need it.
To COUNT how many entries are in a column you can use:
for numeric entries only, or...
for all entries.
Hi Ron,
This is what I've used when I need to know how many rows with data I have in a column.
Type a formula on the same row (is better to do it next to the cell where your data is) like this =if(cell="","",1) what that means is that if there is data in the cell, it will return a one otherwise it will leave it blank. Then you can just add this row.
You can use the total of the row when you divide the total of your data.
What about: =AVERAGE(A:A) ? [NT]
That would be too easy! :) (nt)