Formula for Baccarat Commissions
Posted by Ron on February 17, 2001 7:23 PM
Can anyone help me with a formula for commissions testing Baccarat..... I want to figure it in units and I use the following formula within 1 column and it works for that but I am net betting between 2 columns..
-2 1 Ignore
1 -2 Loss- disregard as no commision on a loss
-3 2 Ignore a B won but net bet was -1 on P
-1 1 B won but no bet
1 2 Bet won with a net bet of 1
I only want it to count the positive number in the B column minus the P #if it exceeds the number in the P column and take that number times .05 as in formula above..
Last line above:
IE: 2-1 = 1 *.05 = .05 Units for commission
Negative numbers are irrelavant in the B Column