Formula based on 3 True or False values
Posted by Alan H on April 01, 2001 3:29 PM
I have 3 cells which read values of TRUE or FALSE from 3 different option buttons on a user form with only one reading TRUE at one time. I have another cell which I aiming to make dependent on the 3 TRUE or FALSE values. If one cell reads TRUE I want the cell to perform one calculation based on the value of 2 other cells, and likewise if the 2nd cell reads TRUE I want another calculation to be performed. If the 3rd cell reads TRUE I want a value of zero to be shown. I've tried using an IF statement like =IF ("B1"=TRUE,(("A1"/2)^2)*"C1",(("B1"/2)*"C2") which only works fine if there are only 2 cells to be used but not for 3. I've also tried nesting but without success. Any ideas anybody? Perhaps in VBA? Solutions gratefully received. Alan H.