
Posted by Harvey on February 04, 2002 8:48 PM

How do I place a amount due in 30 60 or 90 day column, using the past due days in a column.

Posted by Richard S on February 04, 2002 9:30 PM

If past due days is in column A, and you want 30 days or less in column B, 31 to 60 days in column C, 61 to 90 days in column D, and greater than 90 days in column E, use the following formulae;

Column B =IF(A2<31,A2,0)
Column C =IF(A2>30,IF(A2<61,A2,0),0)
Column D =IF(A2>60,IF(A2<91,A2,0),0)
Column e =IF(A2>90,A2,0)

This will put the past due days in the relevant column. If you want the value, replace the last "A2" in each formulae with F2 if that is where the value is, then you can get total due for each age.

