Where would the list of products that the user is choosing be? My first suggestion would be the subtotal function, but I don't think this is what you're looking for.
Well the employee would know the project # but I could get fancy and add a drop down list, but I do not want to maintain that as we add new projects trough the year. What i need are subtotals below the expense report data entry area. Should a build a macro that grabs that area pastes it to a new location and subtotal?
Dave --
If you already have a project list from which a project is selected (via a dropdown list created thru data validation) and the selection is feeded to a SUMIF formula as criterion, I'd suggest arranging in such a way that any nw project that is added to the list also appears automatically in the dropdown list.
Would that help?
The problem is how do I get just the projects they selected down below for my SUMIF formula to reference. I need something that grabs all the projects they listed and distills them down to get rid of duplicate projects and places this list in another area of the workbook so my sumif can give total charges by project.
Do they chose a) 1 or b) multiple projects?
If (a) is the case, it would not be difficult to feed the selection to s SUMIF formula that computes a total for that project, provided that there is data in data area/rnge involving the selected project.
If (b), I think you'd probably use VBA (depending on the method by which multiple projects are selected) to put selected project names below you report adjacent to a vertical range where SUMIF formulas can pick up project names and do the necessary computations.
Hope this helps.
This may help
line one of there expense report is a flight 600$ and the would choose only one project. The next line may be dinner out on a different project. the third line may be another flight with the same project as selected for the first flight.
Rather than listing all project below with a sum if formula next to them I was hoping I could use some macro to read the lines the used and put the projects someplace below with subtotals by project.
It darn helps. I think I'm getting some idea of what is required. A formula-based solution is possible (if not too many "lines", the performance will be acceptable).
I don't know your lay-out: Care to post some sample data (or send me your workbook) along with expected results?