=RIGHT(A1,2)+0 if you want a number result.
We're both stuggling today...
I put in an 18-hour day yesterday. Didn't get
home 'til 1:30 this morning. Should be on
vacation today, but still tying up loose ends.
Can't even type "struggling" : )
home 'til 1:30 this morning. Should be on vacation today, but still tying up loose ends. :
Re: We're both stuggling today...
Yeah. Those long hours. But no vacation for me. Not yet. How long will it take that vacation? Coming to Europe, by any chance?
I put in an 18-hour day yesterday. Didn't get home 'til 1:30 this morning. Should be on vacation today, but still tying up loose ends.
Thank you SO much, Aladin, that's exactly what I needed!
Re: We're both stuggling today...
No, I'm just consuming a couple of days -- use it
or lose it! Late in May I'm taking slightly more
than 1 week off to visit my brother in Louisville,
Kentucky. The home of the Kentucky Derby. Yeah. Those long hours. But no vacation for me. Not yet. How long will it take that vacation? Coming to Europe, by any chance? : I put in an 18-hour day yesterday. Didn't get : home 'til 1:30 this morning. Should be on : vacation today, but still tying up loose ends.