Replace Search with WorksheetFunction.Find (NT)
So are you trying to return the portion of the text to the right of the delimiter you pass in?
For example, if you had the string:
Hello World;_Goodbye Sun
If would return:
_Goodbye Sun
If you passed a semi-colon (;) as the delimiter.
If so, say cell A1 had the string mentioned above, and B1 had a semi-colon. You could easily write a worksheet formula for this:
If you really wanted a user-defined function, it would look something like this (you need to make sure that you put a return type for the function, or it won't return anything):
Public Function Whatever(strText as String, strDelim as String) as String
Whatever = Right(strText, Len(strText) - InStr(strText, strDelim)+1)
End Function
Or, an even better way:
Public Function Whatever(strText as String, strDelim as String) as String
Whatever = Mid(strText, InStr(strText, strDelim)+1)
End Function
Hope this helps,
Len, right, left are members of the string class
in your VBA application.
Search is a member of the worksheet function class
under the Excel library.
So define it as etc