Excel Sorting Problem

Posted by D on June 12, 2001 9:34 AM

Hi, I was wondering how to change this:

Name # of Apples Sold
Sarah 3
Sarah 2
John 2
Jeff 5
Jeff 6
Jeff 2
Jeff 3

to this:

Name # 0f Apples sold # of Customers
Sarah 5 2
John 2 1
Jeff 16 4


Posted by Aladin Akyurek on June 12, 2001 9:46 AM

Enter the unique names say column C from C1 on {Sarah, John, Jeff}.

In D1 enter: =SUMIF(A1:A7,C1,B1:B7)
In E1 enter: =COUNTIF(A1:A7,C1)

Copy these down as far as needed.

Note. The unique names can be computed from your data by means of formulas. I guess that's probably not needed in this case.


Posted by Mark W. on June 12, 2001 9:46 AM

Create a PivotTable with 'Name' in the ROW area,
'Sum of # of Apples Sold', in the DATA area, and
'Count of Name' in the DATA area. You can change
the assigned name of the fields to fit your needs.
Drag the PivotTables 'Data' label to orient