Jen, you could convert that cell via a formula. Just one question - do you have a rule to determine what century the date refers to?
For example:
001231 = Dec 31, 2000
051231 = Dec 31, 2005
501231 = Dec 31, 1950
BarrieBarrie Davidson
I don't need to convert it to "December...", just get it in the right order. I'm not sure how to break the one cell up into three numbers (month, day and year). The year isn't a problem - all the dates are in 1900's.
Okay, assuming your date is in cell A1, try this formula:
BarrieBarrie Davidson
It worked perfectly - thank you very much!
btw - can you recommend a good book for Excel VB scripting - preferable one with lots of examples.
I bought one called VBA Unleashed (I think, I don't have it here with me). I found it to be quite helpful.
BarrieBarrie Davidson