Some examples:
=IF(A1>A2, SUM(B1:B4),AVERAGE(B5:B8))
Read: If the value of A1 is greater than the value of A2, compute a total of values in B1 up to B4, otherwise if the value of A1 is not greater than the value of A2, compute the average of the values in B5 up to B8.
Either a total or an average gets computed in the cell where you put this IF formula.
Read: If the value of A1 is Yes, compute the maximum of the numbers in C1 up to C10, otherwise give/compute a blank in the cell where this formula stands.
The syntax is thus:
=IF(condition, then-part,else-part)
Read: If condition is true, do whatever has been specified as then-part; if condition is false, do whatever has been specified as else-part.
Hope this helps.
Did you try using the wizard? Type =IF into a cell, then click on the equals sign on the formula bar. This will bring up a wizard to guide you through construction the function.
Here's the basic structure:
=IF(Logical Test , What do if outcome is True, What to do if outcome if False)
For example, say you have the hours that employees worked in a week in column A and want to know if any qualify for overtime. So you could have the formula return the word "overtime" in column B if the value in A is over 40, and return "no overtime" if it's 40 or under. This what is what you IF statement would look like:
=IF(A2>40,"overtime","no overtime")
I hope that helps,