excel 2000

Posted by John on November 18, 2001 12:12 PM

Here is the problem (a1) is a date 1/1/2001
In B1 I have the formula =if (A1<=1,A1+285,0)
If there is a date in (a1) it returns the right answer
if there isn't a date in there it gives me #name? why?
I want it to give me 0
Please help

Posted by Jack on November 18, 2001 1:21 PM

I looked at the formula seems all ok

I tried in Exel 2000 and thats all ok i return 0.
All i can think of is your formatting of the date, else i get the answer you want?? Nothing wrong there.

Posted by Richard S on November 18, 2001 9:50 PM

Surely if A1 is less than or equal to 1, and you enter a date, it will always return 0, or should your formula read
I put the above formula in B1, entered a date in A1, and it worked fine. If, however, you enter an alpha character, it will return a #VALUE! error. Don't what's going on with yours.