dsum, array or vlookup

Posted by Dan on October 04, 2001 10:33 AM

I am pulling sales data from one tab to another. The sales are by month and have a region and store no. associated with it. Should I use Dsum, arrays or vlookups. Right now I have an array that is very long and it takes in inordinate amt. of time to "compute".

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on October 04, 2001 10:39 AM

Would you post the array formula that you use?


Posted by Dan on October 04, 2001 10:57 AM

=-SUM((Raw_Data!$J$2:$J$12600='"P&L" level detail'!$I11)*(IF('"P&L" level detail'!$B$6="all",1,Raw_Data!$G$2:$G$12600='"P&L" level detail'!$B$6))*(IF('"P&L" level detail'!$D$6="all",1,Raw_Data!$H$2:$H$12600='"P&L" level detail'!$D$6))*(IF('"P&L" level detail'!$A$6="all",1,Raw_Data!$F$2:$F$12600='"P&L" level detail'!$A$6))*(IF('"P&L" level detail'!$C$6="all",1,Raw_Data!$I$2:$I$12600='"P&L" level detail'!$C$6))*(Raw_Data!$G$2:$G$12600<>"Overhead")*(Raw_Data!AY$2:AY$12600/1000))-SUM((Raw_Data!$J$2:$J$12600='"P&L" level detail'!$I11)*(IF('"P&L" level detail'!$B$7="all",1,Raw_Data!$G$2:$G$12600='"P&L" level detail'!$B$7))*(IF('"P&L" level detail'!$D$7="all",1,Raw_Data!$H$2:$H$12600='"P&L" level detail'!$D$7))*(IF('"P&L" level detail'!$A$7="all",1,Raw_Data!$F$2:$F$12600='"P&L" level detail'!$A$7))*(IF('"P&L" level detail'!$C$7="all",1,Raw_Data!$I$2:$I$12600='"P&L" level detail'!$C$7))*(Raw_Data!$G$2:$G$12600<>"Overhead")*(Raw_Data!AY$2:AY$12600/1000))

Posted by Dan on October 04, 2001 11:05 AM

Can you simplify this so it won't take so long?


Posted by Aladin Akyurek on October 04, 2001 11:22 AM

I suspect that the IFs are unnecessary in this array formula. Try the following SUMPRODUCT equivalent. However, don't expect too much performance gain.


Would you report back how it does?


Posted by Barrie Davidson on October 04, 2001 12:37 PM

Dan, have you considered using a pivot table to summarize your data?

BarrieBarrie Davidson