Divisible by 3

Posted by Anthony on June 15, 2001 8:51 AM

I've just been recently presented with a spreadsheet conating thousands of lines of data. A calculation needs to occur in one of the columns in which it must be determined if those numbers are divisible by 3. If not, either round it up or down a penny or so to make that number divisible by 3. Sound crazy? It's sure as hell driving me batty. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Posted by Barrie Davidson on June 15, 2001 8:53 AM

What is your criteria to determine whether to round up or round down?


Posted by Ivan F Moala on June 15, 2001 9:05 AM

Hi Anthony
If I understand correctly then this may help
Assuming your data is in column A1
Then in column B1 enter this formula;
Now with your mouse select the lower right
cell handle - your see a + come up when you
are in this area. Doulble click to copy the
formulas down. If your data has gaps then
just select this cell and drag down as far as needed.
