dividing minutes into hours:minutes

Posted by Roni on August 02, 2001 6:30 AM

This is probably very simple, but apparently I'm even simplier.

I want to take a certain number of minutes, say 143 and have EXCEL break it down into hours, minutes (2:23). I tried dividing by 140 by60, but that gives me 2:38. HELP.

Thank you.

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 02, 2001 6:41 AM

One way:


Time format the cell of this formula.


Posted by roni on August 02, 2001 7:13 AM

That doesn't seem to be working. I put the formula in CELL A2 and the minutes (147) in CELL A1 (b/c that's what it seems like the formula is referring to)... but all I get is 0:00.

Any other ideas.

Posted by Aladin Akyurek on August 02, 2001 7:23 AM

Replace ";" by ",". Thus: =(INT(A1/60)&":"&MOD(A1,60))+0

And don't forget time formatting A2 where you have put the formula.

Posted by Roni on August 02, 2001 7:28 AM

Thank you. That worked.